Plumbing problem? We can fix it.

real client Testimonials

Built on Quality and Service

Each review reflects our dedication to quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction which can help you see the real impact of our commitment to exceptional service

“From beginning to end it was a great experience.

Assure Plumbling and Septic has the best professionalism, quality of work, and knowledge of our needs we received in a long time!

Jennifer Peel
“Would definitely highly recommend Assure to anyone

Matt diagnosed the issue I had with my sump pump in 10 minutes. 20 minutes after that he had a new one replacing the burnt out one and had everything working again.

“Thank you so much!”

Matt was up front and honest, did not beat around the bush. (Very Appreciative) He took a lot of pride in the work he does and is disappointed in seeing others shoddy work.

Christopher Simmons
“Highly recommend them

Had a problem with the septic pump and they made time to come out same day to diagnose the issue and get the part ordered. Also moved around their schedule the next day to get the part installed.

Joshua Miller
“Assure Plumbing was fantastic

Assure plumbing was fantastic. Very knowledgeable, courteous, and prompt. Quickly diagnosed our septic system problem and repaired in the same day. I would definitely recommend this company for repairs to your home.

Chip & Cathy Warder
“Great company and great experience

Wayne is top notch and a company I will continue to use for all of my plumbing needs, he replaced elements and fixed my shower so we had hot water in no time, and explained it all in detail. I will continue to use Assure Plumbing and Septic.

Patricia Harlow
“I have used Assure a few times

They are honest and are great at diagnosing the problem.  They were able to give me a few different options.  I highly recommend Assure to friends and family.

Deanna Beltran
“Definitely recommend

Wayne, Randall and Matt came out and did a sewer replacement for me and now I don’t have to worry about my drains. Thank you so much. Definitely recommend for all my friends and family.

Samantha Breeden