Do you have an emergency plumbing issue? Start by following our emergency to-do list...

Emergency Plumbing Service To-Do List

If you're facing a plumbing emergency, follow these steps to manage the situation effectively:

  • Shut Off the Water Supply: Locate your main water shut-off valve, typically found in the basement, garage, or outdoors near the street. Turn it clockwise to shut it off and prevent further water damage.
  • Turn Off the Water Heater: To avoid heat damage to your water heater, turn it off. If it’s a gas heater, turn the gas off first.
  • Open Outdoor Spigots: This helps drain the pipes and diverts any remaining water away from potential damage areas inside.
  • Address Small Leaks: If you find any small leaks, use plumber's tape or rags to manage them temporarily. Place buckets under leaks to catch water.
  • Call an Emergency Plumber: Contact an emergency plumbing service immediately. Provide clear details about the issue and your address.
  • Clear the Area: If the emergency is in a specific area like under a sink or in a bathroom, clear out personal items and household goods to allow plumbers easy access.
  • Document the Damage: Take photos or videos of the damage for insurance purposes, ensuring you have a record of the initial state after the emergency.
  • Avoid Using Chemical Drain Cleaners: In cases of clogs, refrain from using chemical drain cleaners as they can worsen the problem and damage pipes.
  • Stay Safe: Avoid using electrical appliances near standing water and keep away from sewage leaks to avoid health hazards.
  • Wait for Assure Plumbing: Stay on the premises if safe to do so, so you can provide access and additional information to the plumber upon arrival.

Remember, acting quickly and calmly is key in a plumbing emergency to minimize damage and facilitate effective repairs.

Documenting Information for Insurance Claims

In the event of a plumbing emergency, proper documentation for insurance claims is crucial.

Here’s how to do it effectively:

  • Take Detailed Photos and Videos: As soon as it's safe to do so, take comprehensive photos and videos of the affected area, capturing the extent of the damage. Include close-ups and wide shots to provide a full context.
  • Maintain a Log of Events: Write down a timeline of events as they unfolded. Include when the problem was first noticed, any actions taken (like shutting off the water), and the time the emergency plumber was called.
  • Save Receipts and Invoices: Keep all receipts and invoices related to the emergency, including plumber’s bills, any materials purchased for temporary fixes, and receipts for any related living expenses if your home was uninhabitable.
  • Record Model Numbers and Descriptions: If the emergency involved specific fixtures or appliances, record their model numbers, make, age, and a description of how they were affected.
  • Prepare a List of Damaged Items: Make an itemized list of personal property and household items that were damaged due to the plumbing emergency.
  • Keep Correspondence Records: Save any email or written communication you have with the plumbers or your insurance company. Note dates and summaries of phone conversations as well.
  • Review Your Insurance Policy: Familiarize yourself with your homeowner’s insurance policy to understand what is covered and any specific documentation requirements they may have.
  • File the Claim Promptly: Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to start the claims process. Provide them with all the gathered documentation.

Remember, thorough and accurate documentation can significantly streamline the insurance claims process and help ensure you get the coverage you're entitled to.